11 Companies Bid for 300MW Solar Project in Israel

  • Israel has received bids from 11 companies for the development of a solar power plant.
  • The 300MW plant will be cited in Dimona.
  • Israel wants clean energy to generate 30% of its energy mix by 2030. 

The Israeli government says that it has received 11 bids to finance, build and operate a 300MW solar power plus storage plant in the southern part of the country. The eleven bidders included companies from the United States, Norway, Spain and France. The project is planned for the city of Dimona and is expected to be developed on a public-private model, the Finance Ministry stated. When completed, the plant will be the largest in the country. 

 The government expects the bidding process to be completed over the next three months, with the plant’s completion slated for late 2024. The Israeli government has set a target of 30 per cent clean energy production from clean energy by 2030. Th

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