2GW Subsea Transmission Cable Set to Link Scotland to Northern England

  • SSEN has received marine licence approval for its proposed subsea electricity superhighway project.
  • The project will establish a 2GW subsea transmission cable connecting Scotland to England.

Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) has achieved a significant milestone on its proposed subsea electricity superhighway project, receiving approval for the marine licence.

The project, known as the ‘Eastern Green Link 2,’ will establish a 2GW subsea transmission cable connecting Peterhead in Scotland to Drax in Yorkshire, England.

The cable will address transmission system constraints, enabling the transportation of low-carbon electricity and supporting the UK’s future energy security. High-voltage direct current technology will be utilised for efficient and reliable power transmission.

The marine licence covers the 150-kilometre cable stretch within Scottish waters, carefully considering environmental impact.

The next steps include working with the supply chain, securing equipment capacity and progressing the project assessment with Ofgem.

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