5 Emerging Technologies Capable of Improving Power Supply in Nigeria

  • Proliferation of Microgrids

Microgrids are distributed energy resources that encompass smaller autonomous units of generation, transmission, and distribution. They are usually deployed in multiple blocks capable of communicating and supporting one another. One major advantage of microgrids is that these smaller units are capable of combining different power generation sources to achieve the common goal of a wider and more reliable power supply. These systems are modular, easily replaceable, replicable, and maintainable.

  • Smart Contracts Billing

Billing contracts are expected to become more intelligent using smart (encrypted) systems where specific generations can be monitored from the source to the point of usage. This will be made possible via the use of “nonfungible” tokens (similar to cryptocurrencies) for billing and payments. Effectively, any unit of grid electricity would be traceable from the point of generation to the point of use. This totally traceable chain of power transmission would ensure that losses and accountability issues that currently plague inefficient grid systems such as the Nigerian power grid will be addressed.

  • Waste-to-Power

Although Biomass is typically a form of renewable energy, it has the dual advantage of generating electricity while solving the problem of waste disposal. With the collection and proper transportation of waste, biomass generation can significantly add to the nation’s generation capacity available today. China and Brazil stand out as two nations that have harnessed the use of waste to generate a large amount of energy that is positively impacting their nations today.

  • Energy Storage

The development of efficient energy storage that can maximize the utilization of the energy generated is critical for storing unutilized energy during off-peak energy periods is critical. This extra energy which mostly goes to waste at present can be stored and used during periods of peak demand. There are several forms of energy storage ranging from classical battery storage to more sustainable forms of storage such as pumped hydroelectric and green hydrogen. A decarbonized energy industry will support the harnessing and storage of vast amounts of clean energy.

  • Smart Communication Protocols

The use of Smart communication protocols will have a positive impact on the speed and effectiveness of present grid control and communication responses. It is expected that the rapid development of communication protocols such as 4IR and 5G – already being seen in the Nigerian telecommunication space to provide faster and more interactive protocols – could be a game changer for fault detection and automatic system response. The development of smarter and faster protocols could impact real-time load forecasting, demand declaration, and execution of commands, making grid operations and management much faster and more efficient.

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