Sosian Energy Generates Power from Menengai Geothermal Field

  • Sosian to acquire 35 MW of power.
  • The government is placing a lot of focus on geothermal energy because it has kept the grid in our nation in good condition.

Energy Cabinet Secretary Davis Chirchir said three companies, including Sosian Energy, Globeleq, and Or Power 22, will harness 105MW of energy from steam produced at the wells during a visit to the Menengai geothermal fields on Friday.

Mr. Chirchir stated that Sosian would produce 35 MW of electricity and disclosed that Globeleq’s documentation is nearing completion and that the business will shortly begin operations. Said he, “We are really pleased with the changes. We have seen Sosian’s operations, and while they are ahead of schedule and should soon be ready to deliver about 22 megawatts of electricity, their commercial operation date is at the end of June.”

According to Kenya Electricity Transmission Company Ltd (Ketraco), Sosian Energy should be able to provide the entire 35MW as scheduled by the end of June. Said he, “They have produced about ten additional megawatts, and we need to figure out how to include them in the purchase agreement we made with them. The government is placing a lot of attention on geothermal energy because it has kept the grid in our nation in good shape. In Menengai, the government will collaborate with the investors through a public-private partnership (PPP).”

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