Egypt Plans to Export Clean Energy to Iraq

Egypt is looking to export renewable energy to other Middle Eastern countries. To increase the profitability of clean energy infrastructures, Egypt’s Electricity and Renewable Energy Minister has announced that the government intends to export electricity to Iraq. Despite being separated by about 1,427 km, Egypt intends to supply electricity to Iraq through Jordan. Egypt has been connected to Jordan since 1999. It is expected that Jordan, which shares a border with Iraq, will facilitate the electricity transmission between both countries.

Read also: Egypt and Siemens to Partner in Green Hydrogen Development.

Egypt has already begun studies for the electricity interconnection project. Egypt will have to increase the capacity of the Jordan link line. The 13 km long 400KVA submarine cable, which crosses the Gulf of Aqaba, can transmit about 550 MW. Egypt needs to increase its electricity market as it has seen an increase in its electricity capacity in recent years as it has added more solar and wind power plants. The country has an installed solar PV and wind capacities of 1,700 MWp and 1,465 MW, respectively. These figures are set to increase in the coming years when ongoing solar and wind projects in the North and the Suez are completed.

Part of the electricity generated is set to be exported to neighbours Sudan, Libya, Jordan. In addition to Iraq, Egypt is also considering establishing electricity connections with Europe, notably Cyprus and Greece.

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