EGYPT: Ethiopia Wants More Guarantees on GERD Negotiations – Egypt Minister

Egyptian Minister of Irrigation and Water Resources Mohamed Abdel Aty, in an interview, stated that the country had offered several guarantees to Ethiopia during the negotiations on the impact of the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) on the River Nile.

Abdel Aty claims, Egypt offered to pay for the costs of constructing two more floodgates as well as,15 other solutions to mitigate the impact of the construction on both countries but, there is a lack of “political willpower” on the part of the Ethiopian government to go through with the recommendations. “If they had the willingness, they would have signed in Washington”, he said.

The Minister stated that Ethiopia’s actions might result in artificial drought as Egypt relies on the River Nile to fill its High dam. Aty added that Egypt hasn’t ruled out the possibility of heading to the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) on the matter.

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