GHANA: TOR Refinery Refutes Shutdown Claims

The Management of Tema Oil Refinery (TOR) has refuted claims that the refinery is on the verge of a shutdown due to crippling debt owed to the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) and other state utilities. In a statement released by the Managing Director, Francis Boateng said, ”We wish to refute what is recently being circulated in the media to suggest that TOR is on the verge of shutdown. Such publications from anonymous sources create an unwarranted negative impression of the organisation and hinder the progress of our revitalisation and expansion plans as well as the business operations at large”.

Mr. Boateng assures that the TOR is positioning itself for revitalisation. ”We hereby state categorically that TOR is not on the verge of shutdown, but has rather been positioned for its effective turnaround and revitalisation through the support of its shareholder”, the statement read.

Media reports allege TOR, Ghana’s only oil refinery, owes GHC 2.3 million to the ECG and GHC 4 million to the Ghanian state water utility. The refinery has not been operational for a while due to some challenges.

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