Uzbekistan Moves to Reform Energy Sector

Representatives from the Ministry of Energy, Uzbekistan, held a round-table discussion with international development institutions such as the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development on the energy sector reform.

The participants at the round-table discussed roadmaps and recommendations for Uzbekistan’s energy sector reform, including the electricity, oil and gas sub-sectors. Participants agreed on the need for a clear roadmap for the transition to a competitive market model for the country’s energy sector. Some of the recommendations from the discussions include

  • The adoption of a new electricity law clearly stating the functions and obligations of critical stakeholders, including state-owned companies in terms of regulation, policy development, processes for transmission, distribution, generation and sale of electricity.
  • The development of a Code for electricity networks. The approved Code will act as a single document regulating the technical connection of producers and consumers to all electricity networks in operation. The new ‘Code of electric networks’ will combine existing regulations for a robust and effective implementation.
  • The development and approval of market rules for wholesale and retail of electricity in the electricity market.


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