AfDB to Train Stakeholders on How to Access Green Financing

  • The AfDB plans to train stakeholders on how to access green funding for sustainable projects.
  • The training will be offered online and in two separate sessions to accommodate French and English speakers.
  • Interested participants should submit their application by 9 July.

The African Development Bank (AfDB) is establishing a training programme to educate stakeholders on accessing funding from the Green Climate Fund (GCF) to develop sustainable energy projects. The GCF aims to invest 50 per cent of its resources to mitigation efforts and 50 per cent to adaptation in grant equivalent. Half of the adaptation resources will be invested in the most climate-vulnerable countries, including African countries.

The training programme will enable participants to gain specific knowledge, skills and resources to help them mobilise GCF funding for sustainable energy projects. In addition, participants will learn how to develop and submit better concept notes and project proposals for GCF funding.

Participants will gain in-depth knowledge of the life cycle of a GCF-funded project and build capacity to develop sustainable energy projects to obtain GCF funding. The training programme will discuss a range of sustainable energy technologies, accounting for the specific challenges and reality of different regions and countries.

This training is part of the “Strengthening Africa’s capacities to access financing for sustainable energy projects” programme, which the India-Africa Technical Cooperation Fund finances.

Al-Hamndou Dorsouma, AfDB acting director of the Climate Change and Green Growth Department, said: “With this training, the Bank is committed to building the capacities of regional member countries on scaling up investments in clean energy, thus contributing to low-carbon development on the continent and building resilience in Africa, in accordance with its priority to ‘light up Africa and supply it with energy and the New Pact on energy.”

The training will be offered online and in two separate sessions to accommodate French and English speakers. The training of 28 hours in total is spread across three weeks between July and August.

Each programme session can accommodate up to 40 participants. Interested participants should submit their application by 9 July.

Download the training programme brochure here for application details.


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