UGANDA: UETCL Calls for Bids on World Bank Funded Grid Project

The Uganda Electricity Transmission Company (UETCL) has issued a notice for bids on the World Bank-funded under the Grid Expansion and Reinforcement Project (GERP). The GERP aims to increase transmission capacity in Northern Uganda and the West Nile region and to interconnect the isolated West Nile distribution network to the main transmission grid. The project will include the supply, delivery, testing, and commissioning of two (2) Mobile Substations 25MVA-132/33-11 kV and accessories.

Interested bidders are expected to submit their bids before 26th August 2021. The UETCL will evaluate the submitted bids from 27th August to 27th September 2021. The UETCL will announce the winning bid on 4th October 2021, and the award and signing of contracts will take place on 30th October 2021.

The GERP will increase electricity availability and efficiency of supply in Uganda. The GERP has three components.

  1. Construction of Transmission Infrastructure to increase electricity transmission capacity to meet the power supply needs of Northern Uganda and the West Nile region and to interconnect the isolated West Nile distribution network to the main transmission grid.
  2. Project Implementation and Operational Support to Uganda Electricity Transmission Company Limited (UETCL) aims to support the UETCL towards enhancing its project implementation capacity, contract administration, and operational effectiveness through technical assistance and modernization of management systems.
  3. Sectoral Strengthening Support, through policy formulation and strategy, planning, and coordination of the growing and increasingly complex electricity sector.

The GERP has a deadline of 31st October 2022 and has a total cost of US$ 127.30 million.

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