Steps to Resolve Customer Complaints For Electricity Consumers

Customer satisfaction is the ultimate goal of every business; with a return customer comes a guarantee of a steady income. In the Nigerian electricity sector, however, the business is peculiar because the sector has not achieved the level of market competition that affords the customer the power to switch providers at will, especially due to poor customer service. Does this negate the responsibility of the Distribution Companies (DisCos) from rendering the minimum level of customer service? The answer is NO!!!

It is very important that a clear line of communication between customers and a DisCo. A DisCo must, at all times, be available and accessible. In this regard, the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) has developed the Customer Complaints Handling Procedure (CCHP). This regulation sets out the guidelines for consumer complaints and resolutions. S. 3 of the CCHP regulation mandates each DisCo to establish a Consumer Complaints Unit within its premises. The unit shall be responsible for receiving and resolving customer complaints. The CCHP also provides for the procedure to be taken by the consumer when filing a complaint with a DisCo. These steps are as follows

Step 1 – All complaints must be filed, first with the Customer Complaint Unit of the respective DisCo in writing. In case of a complaint from a non-literate consumer, the complaints shall be recorded.
Step 2 – The DisCo shall resolve all complaints within 15 working days. If the DisCo can not resolve the complaints within that stipulated time frame, the DisCo shall inform the customer within 15 days of receipt of the complaint of the steps being taken by the DisCo to fast track the resolution of the complaint and continue to do so every 15 working days until the complaint is resolved.
Step 3 – If a customer is dissatisfied with the outcome of the resolution of a complaint or has experienced a delay in the resolution of the complaint, the customer may refer their complaints to the Consumer Complaints Forum.
Step 4 – If both DisCo and the consumer cannot reach an agreement on resolving a complaint, both parties may refer the matter to the Consumer Complaints Forum.

The Consumer Complaints Forum is a forum established by the CCHP to hear and resolve complaints within the operational area of a DisCo. Each DisCo is mandated to establish a Forum office within its operational area. Any unresolved or disputed complaint may be referred to the Forum in writing by the Complainant.

The era of social media presents a unique yet, brilliant opportunity for the DisCos to strengthen the weaknesses of conventional customer communication channels. A customer does not have to be physically present or wait for long periods to speak to a customer representative of a DisCo to resolve their complaints. Instead, they need to reach out on any of the social media platforms. It is commendable that the DisCos have taken the initiative by setting up various modes of communication with their customers.


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