LIBERIA: LPP Demands a Breakdown of LEC’s Expenditures From Liberia’s Development Partners

  • The opposition party LPP writes an open letter to the US Ambassador
  • Demands a breakdown of expenditure from Liberia’s development partners

Liberia’s opposition party, the Liberian People’s Party (LPP), in an official letter to the United States Ambassador to Liberia, Ambassador Michael A. McCarthy, has requested the publication of expenditures of monies gotten from Liberia’s development partners. The LLP stated that the Liberian people deserved a clarification on the LEC’s expenditures.

”The Liberian People’s Party (LPP), a registered political party in Liberia, requests you and your good offices to kindly encourage the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC) to publish schedules of a breakdown of the expenditure of the monies it received from Liberia’s development partners. The loans are: USD$314M loan from the International Development Association; USD$103M from the African Development Bank; LEC’s portion of the USD$257M from the Millennium Challenge Corporation; Government of Liberia subsidies; and at least three of the most recent LEC audited financial statements of 2013 to 2020.” the letter read.

”Your Excellency, the LEC financial statements the LPP demands be published, would explain the Agreements between LEC and the Interconnection Transmission Line running from Cote d’Ivoire, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea (TRANSCO CLSG)” the letter stated.

”Liberians might get information or clarity on issues if they read and compare financial statements of LEC prepared by previous and current managers.” the letter read.

The Secretariat of the LPP signed the letter.

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