Pay More! The Only Story There is

Pay more! The only story there is, happens to be the everyday happening in Nigeria, not only with electricity but with other sectors in the country. For instance, in the agricultural sector, food prices keep rising daily regardless of the abundance of agricultural resources.

The country recorded a proven estimate of 206.53 trillion standard cubic feet of natural gas deposits in June 2021. However, citizens are short of enjoying the benefit as cooking gas prices keep surging beyond their reach, with five increases recorded in three months (learn more).

Even in the electricity sector, the trend remains; as it appears, that is the only story there is to tell.

Despite the myriad challenges around adequate electricity supply, electricity customers are often saddled with the responsibility to pay more for less. Recently, the Federal Government (FG), as disclosed by the special adviser to the President on Infrastructure, Ahmed Zakari, aims to end the monthly payment of ₦30 billion on electricity subsidies.

Now the questions bugging the minds of many Nigerians are – By how much would electricity tariff increase? Would Nigerians see improved service delivery? And when would the challenges around electricity supply come to an end?

It is disheartening that a country that exports power to neighbouring countries cannot boast of a full day’s electricity supply. The sector is plagued by insufficient electricity supply; consumers pay so much for electricity and cannot benefit from better service delivery.

One can only hope that the pay more situation will be a thing of the past soon.




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