LIBERIA: Energy Minister Recommends Privatisation of LEC

  • Murray calls for the privatisation of the LEC
  • Says privatisation will help improve service delivery

The Liberian Minister of Mines and Energy, Gesler E. Murray, has called for the privatisation and commercialisation of the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC). Murray also recommended that the LEC manage the state-owned Liberia Electricity Generation and Transmission Authority (LEGTA). He added that the privatisation of the LEC would help resolve the challenges in the sector.

“Now that the Liberia electricity regulation is fully flagged under this government with support from the Millennium Challenge Account Liberia (MCAL), there is no better time to encourage private sector participation in our energy sector than now,” Murray said.

He further recommends the formation of a task force to handle the challenge of power theft and to help decentralise the LEC customer service in communities to improve the response to the technical and commercial needs of customers.

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