Sierra Leone Clinics Receive Free Power from UK Funded Mini-Grids

A solar mini-grid project will deliver far-reaching health and socio-economic benefits in rural Sierra Leone to clinics following a $1.25 million loan from REPP, funded by the UK government.

Energicity is developing the Moyamba project after the company won a concession to build, upgrade and operate 32 mini-grid sites from Sierra Leone’s Rural Renewable Electrification Project, which was conceived in the wake of the 2014 Ebola crisis to support the country’s struggling health care system.

As part of the agreement with the government, Energicity’s project company is required to provide a minimum daily amount of power to community health centres free of charge.

The Renewable Energy Performance Platform’s (REPP) loan will enable the completion of the project and provide funding for the operation of all 32 sites, which are situated in Sierra Leone’s Port Loko, Kambia, Karene and Moyamba districts.

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