Tanzania to Construct Waste-to-Energy Plant in Mafia Island

  • Tanzania plans to construct a waste-to-power plant in Mafia Island.
  • The plant will have a capacity of 1,400kW and supply 60,000 people on the Island.
  • The plant will require an investment of $5.277 million.

Tanzania plans to construct an agro-industrial waste-to-energy plant in Mafia Island under its “Promotion of Waste to Energy (WtE) Applications in Agro-Industries of Tanzania” programme.  The planned power plant will have a capacity of 1,400kW, supplying about 60,000 in the Island and district of Pwani Region with clean energy. As a result, the Island, which is currently powered by a 2.180KW generator, will see a reduction in its energy deficit and the avoidance of 1,054,341 tons of CO2 emissions equivalent.

The United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) will implement the waste-to-energy plant in collaboration with the Vice President’s Office (Environment). The Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the government institutions and ministries will provide financial support for the project. UNIDO notes that over $4 million of the required $5.277 million has been released. UNIDO also currently supports Kisiwani Farming Limited to generate electricity via modular thermal gasification of coconut plantation residues on the Island.


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