SOUTH AFRICA: Eskom’s Challenges Requires an Integrated Solution

  • Gordhan suggests integrated solutions to Eskom’s challenges

South Africa’s Minister of Public Enterprises, Pravin Gordhan, has stated that the embattled state-owned electric utility, Eskom requires a hands-on approach to fix the challenges in service delivery. Gordhan, who appeared before the Portfolio Committee on Public Enterprises, told members of Parliament that the sector’s stakeholders must put up a united front in dealing with the challenges.

“Our aim certainly, is that load shedding must end sooner rather than later. It will end… in particular when we have extra megawatts in the system.” Gordhan said.

He stated that the government required, ”…an integrated response to this crisis. One which ensures that each role player… does what is necessary and does it timeously and does it with the necessary sense of urgency in order to ensure that the work that needs to be done to stabilise Eskom can indeed take place.”

Gordhan also stated that Eskom is going through a change process that may last a while; however, the goal is to restore optimal service delivery for the consumers.

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