SOUTH AFRICA: Government Plans to Move Eskom in the DMRE

  • South Africa moves to align Eskom with DMRE
  • To move the electric utility to the DMRE

The South African government plans to move the state-owned utility, Eskom, to the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE). The Deputy President of South Africa, David Mabhuza, announced that the government is holding discussions to determine the utility will be moved to the DMRE. The move is aimed at improving the alignment and oversight between Eskom and DMRE.

“To address the honourable member’s question on whether government has considered moving Eskom from the Department of Public Enterprises to the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy, discussions are currently underway as part of a broader government effort to improve the management of parastatals,” Mabhuza said.

“The reorganisation, once finally decided, would better align companies such as Eskom to their mandate,” Mabhuza added.

The Presidential State-Owned Enterprises Council will recommend the appropriate models for the repositioning of the state-owned enterprises.

“In this regard, we should await the finalisation of the Presidential State-Owned Enterprises Council’s work for further guidance,” Mabhuka said.

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