German Municipalities to Build a 100MWp Solar Plant

  • 100MWp solar park to be built in the Baltic Sea.
  • Project construction is scheduled to commence in 2024.

Stadtwerke Muenchen (SMW) and Stadtwerke Augsburg (SWA), both German municipal utilities, are planning on building a 100MWp solar park on the island of Ruegen in the Baltic Sea. The plant will supply green electricity to about 40,000 households beginning in 2025.

The Dreschvitz municipal, located about 20 km northeast of Stralsund, will host the solar panels on a 100 hectares expanse of land owned by the Hessing Foundation. Project construction is scheduled to commence in 2024 and is expected to be ready for commissioning by 2025. The pant will be constructed in arable land with poor soil quality. The partners also plan to introduce measures that will allow the natural reclamation of lost habitats, reviving the regional flora and fauna of the environment alongside the construction of the ground-mounted photovoltaic (PV) system.

The project, jointly owned by SWM (70%) and SWA (30%), will be implemented without state subsidies.

Currently, more than 70 green power plants are under the operational control of SWM, with more in their planning stages or under construction. Yet, regionally, the green electricity generated is not enough to meet Munich’s needs. According to Helge-Uve Braun, the managing director of the municipal utility, projects like this are important.


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