Spanish Govt. to Award 5.8 GW of Grid Access for RE and Energy Storage

  • Environmental and socio-economic factors to score high as evaluation criteria.

The government of Spain will stage an auction to award 5.8 GW of grid access for renewables and energy storage at 17 nodes located across all mainland regions of Spain. The Country’s ministry for ecological transition released the draft ministerial order with the rules for tendering on Friday. The public has also been invited for their comments until June 24.

Until Red Electrica de Espana, the Spanish grid operator, releases its 2026 plan for the transmission network, the capacity at each of the nodes will remain provisional, the ministry said.

According to the ministry, projects that are considered of high degrees of self-consumption, energy storage, hybridisation of technologies or repowering and can start operations sooner will gain more points when the evaluation time comes. High ranking in the evaluation process will be environmental and socio-economic factors, along with creating more direct jobs, re-investing in communities, setting the project in depopulated areas, and leaving the least amount of environmental damage at the power plant site and at the transmission lines.

Leftover capacities not awarded in the current round will be made available for future auctions.

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