Atlas RE Acquires Mega Wind Project in Brazil

  • 378 MW wind project purchased in Brazil
  • The wind plant contains 63 turbines

Atlas Renewable Energy has confirmed the acquisition of a 378 MW wind project in Brazil from Voltalia SA, a French energy producer. The fee of the acquisition was not disclosed. The project containing 63 turbines in the state of Minas Gerais is expected to produce 1,650 Gwh of power every year upon its commencement of operation. The scheme has not yet secured a power purchase agreement (PPA).

“This project is currently available for any large energy consumer looking for a PPA to transition from conventional sources of energy to renewable,” said Luis Pita, general manager for Atlas Renewable Energy in Brazil.

The announcement also noted that the transaction is still awaiting clearance by the Administrative Council of Economic Defense (CADE) of Brazil. The Juramento project is Atlas Renewable Energy’s second wind project upon signing a PPA with Enel Energia Chile in connection with the 417-MW Alpaca wind portfolio in Chile earlier this year.

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