India Sets New PV Installation Record in First half of 2022

  • 7.2 GW of photovoltaic (PV) parks were commissioned by the Indian solar industry in the first half of 2022.
  • The total installed capacity in the country is now 57 GW. 

7.2 GW of photovoltaic (PV) parks were commissioned by the Indian solar industry in the first half of 2022. This sets a new year-on-year record, bringing the country’s total installed capacity to 57 GW. 

The new additions in January-June were 59% higher than in the year-ago period when 4.5 GW of new installations came online, the latest report of Mercom India Research shows.

“Even with mounting challenges from supply chain constraints and rising costs, India had its best quarter and first half ever for solar,” said Raj Prabhu, CEO of Mercom Capital Group. 

In the second quarter alone, the country put 3.9 GW of fresh solar PV capacity on stream, up 18% sequentially and 62.5% yearly. The bulk of the new capacity came from the utility-scale sector, which accounted for 90% of the total new capacity with 3.5 GW of commissioned plants. At the same time, the rooftop segment brought the rest. 

By state contribution, Rajasthan was the leader in newly-commissioned plants and was responsible for 53% of the fresh PV capacity in the second quarter. The share of Gujarat and Maharashtra were 14% and 9%, respectively. 

At the end of June, India had a utility-scale project development pipeline totalling 57 GW. The Indian solar industry commissioned 7.2 GW of photovoltaic (PV) parks in the first half of 2022, setting a record year-on-year increase and bringing the country’s cumulative installed capacity to 57 GW. 

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