Wildlife conserved as Drought hits Zimbabwe

  • The largest wildlife population is found in Zimbabwe
  • The conservative initiative meant to replenish the Zimbabwe Zambezi river valley population.


The largest wildlife Fauna population is found in Zimbabwe from lions, rhinoceros, giraffes, etc. However, the country is experiencing a drought that is threatening the existence of the animals. To conserve wildlife, the Zimbabweans have initiated the relocation of more than 2500 animals, including 400 elephants, 70 giraffes, 50 Zebras, 10 parks of dogs, 200 antelopes, etc., from the southern parks to northern parks.


The US-based great plain foundation, Oxford University Department of Ecology, and the Environmental Crime Center of the University of Washington-Seattle, are supporters of the conservative initiative “Project Rewild Zambezi” meant to replenish the Zimbabwe Zambezi river valley and rebuild wildlife population there.

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