Swiss Energy Company Plans Green Hydrogen Project in Spain

  • Smartenergy Group has revealed its plans to construct a 100 MWe green hydrogen project called ORANGE.BAT.
  •  It will likely be expanded to 800 MWe in a second phase

A company called Smartenergy Group has revealed its plans to construct a 100 MWe green hydrogen project called ORANGE.BAT. The project will be developed in the Spanish region of Valencia. It will be aimed at supporting the decarbonisation of the local ceramic cluster, with a commitment to build the facility by the end of 2025.

Smartenergy Group has plans to install electrolysers in the Onda Municipality, in Castellon,  for green hydrogen production. The location makes access to water, solar power generation and potential off-takers easier. 

With the project currently in its engineering phase, while also undergoing its environmental permitting procedure, it is likely to be expanded to 800 MWe in a second phase. Smartenergy said it is holding advanced talks in that regard.

Major industrial players support the project, investment firms, research centres, institutional bodies, and the two major sectorial associations of the ceramic industry, ASCER and ANFFECC.


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