Federation of BiH Adopts New Energy Laws

  • The Federation of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH) has adopted three laws: creating the conditions for developing citizen energy, establishing energy communities and introducing prosumers.
  • The Government of FBiH adopted the proposals for the laws on electricity, energy and regulation of energy activities, and the use of renewable energy sources and efficient cogeneration.


The Government of FBiH adopted the proposals for the laws on electricity, energy and regulation of energy activities, and the use of renewable energy sources and efficient cogeneration. In an official statement, the regulation aims to improve the legal framework and harmonise it with the European Union’s rules. The bill on energy and regulation of energy utilities covers the creation and implementation of energy policy and development planning. In addition, it defines how the regulatory body is organised and operates.

The electricity bill will harmonise the regulatory framework with the EU and the Energy Community regulations. The proposed law is intended to improve the legal framework in the electricity sector and the system to control the construction of production facilities. It includes a ban on the construction of small hydropower plants. Also, the proposed law would reform the incentives system as one of the obligations within the Energy Community. Also, citizens will be able to participate in the decarbonisation of the energy sector. The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH) has adopted three laws: creating the conditions for developing citizen energy, establishing energy communities and introducing prosumers. However, until the entity parliament passes the bills, the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina will remain the last part of  Europe without a legal framework for citizen energy.

The Government of FBiH adopted the proposals for the laws on electricity, energy and regulation of energy activities, and the use of renewable energy sources and efficient cogeneration. In an official statement, the regulation aims to improve the legal framework and harmonise it with the European Union’s rules. The bill on energy and regulation of energy utilities covers the creation and implementation of energy policy and development planning. In addition, it defines how the regulatory body is organised and operates.


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