Gorazd Pfeifer Takes Over as President of Krško NPP Mgt Board

  • The firm’s new boss participates in World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO) programs.
  • As president of the Management Board, Gorazd Pfeifer will be in charge of NEK with Saša Medaković.

Gorazd Pfeifer is the new president of Slovenia’s Management Board of the Krško nuclear power plant (NEK). He has replaced long-time chief Stane Rožman. As president of the Management Board, Gorazd Pfeifer will be in charge of NEK with Saša Medaković, a board member, in line with bilateral agreements between Croatia and Slovenia, and their power utilities Hrvatska Elektroprivreda (HEP) and GEN Energija, respectively.

The Krško NPP is located near the border with Croatia. HEP and GEN Energija each own 50% of NEK. The Slovenian company appoints the board president, and HEP is responsible for installing a body member. They both represent NEK independently, and the decisions are reached by consensus.

NEK said that Stane Rožman, the long-time chief, retired after an exceptional professional career. From 1988 to 2003, Rožman was the director and then the head of the board. Also, Slovenia approved the extension of the Krško NPP’s operation in January by 20 years until 2043, and preparations are underway for constructing the second unit, which could be online in 2035 at the earliest.

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