TCN Clarifies on Benin-Egbin 330kV Line Incident

The Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) has moved to dispel misinformation regarding an incident involving the Benin-Egbin 330kV transmission line, emphasizing that it did not result in a national grid collapse. In a statement released in Abuja on Tuesday, TCN spokesperson Ndidi Mbah clarified that the disruption was localized to the Benin-Egbin line, specifically at the isolator, due to arcing.

Note that an electric arc is an electrical breakdown of a gas that produces a prolonged electrical discharge

According to Mbah, the incident began with a system surge around 2:47 p.m. on Monday, August 5. This surge caused arcing at the isolator fingers at the Egbin Transmission Substation switchyard. This arcing triggered a protective mechanism that tripped the Benin-Egbin 330kV line, temporarily affecting the power supply to certain areas.

“The issue was promptly addressed, and power supply was restored to the substation by 6:10 p.m. on August 5, 2024,” Mbah stated, underscoring the quick resolution of the technical glitch.

Mbah clarified that while the arcing incident did lead to tripping at the Egbin Generating Station, it did not cause a collapse of the national grid. The subsequent loss of power supply from Egbin to outgoing transmission lines was swiftly rectified, with full bulk power supply restored through the transmission network later in the evening.

Contrary to initial reports circulating in some media outlets, TCN affirmed that the disruption did not escalate into a systemic failure across the national grid. Mbah reiterated that the incident affected power supply in specific regions, but power was restored to affected areas by 6:10 p.m. on Monday, August 5.

Earlier observations showed fluctuations in electricity generation, peaking at 4,067.77MW from 22 generation companies before dropping significantly and eventually showing zero output. These fluctuations were reflective of the temporary disruption caused by the Benin-Egbin incident.

TCN assured the public of its continued commitment to maintaining grid stability and swiftly addressing any technical challenges to minimize disruptions in the power supply across Nigeria. The company remains vigilant in enhancing transmission infrastructure resilience and reliability amidst varying operational conditions.

The clarification from TCN aims to provide accurate information to stakeholders and the public, ensure transparency about grid operations, and respond proactively to technical incidents. As Nigeria navigates its energy landscape, such clarifications are crucial in maintaining trust and confidence in its electricity infrastructure.

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