Zambia’s Ministry of Energy Signs Deal in Kafue

  • The Ministry of Energy and Wendit Group signed an agreement to build a 50MW solar power plant in Kafue Town, Lusaka. This is a significant step towards diversifying Zambia’s energy sources.
  • The project will generate clean, renewable energy, reduce carbon emissions, and create jobs, contributing to local economic growth and setting a benchmark for future renewable energy initiatives in Zambia.
  • The solar plant will play a critical role in meeting Zambia’s growing energy demands, helping to stabilize the national grid and support the country’s shift towards sustainable energy.

The Ministry of Energy, in collaboration with Wendit Group, has taken a significant step towards expanding Zambia’s renewable energy sector. The Ministry, represented by Dr. Francesca Chisangano Zyambo, Permanent Secretary Administration, signed an Implementation Agreement with Wendit Group to construct a 50MW solar power plant in Kafue Town, Lusaka Province. This agreement marks a pivotal move in Zambia’s strategy to diversify its energy sources and reduce reliance on fossil fuels.

During the signing ceremony, Dr Zyambo emphasised the government’s commitment to sustainable energy. She pointed out that this project aligns perfectly with Zambia’s broader strategy to enhance its renewable energy capacity and secure a stable energy future for the nation.

Wendit Group’s CEO, Mr. Erich Horlacher, thanked the Zambian government and the Ministry of Energy for their unwavering support. He noted that the 50MW solar plant represents a crucial advancement in Zambia’s energy sector.

“This solar plant is a significant milestone on our journey towards reducing dependence on non-renewable energy sources,” Horlacher stated. “It will generate clean, renewable energy, significantly cut carbon emissions, and provide a stable power supply to the Kafue region.”

Horlacher highlighted the project’s broader economic and environmental benefits. He explained that, alongside producing clean energy, the solar plant will create numerous job opportunities during construction and operation. “We expect this project to contribute to local economic growth by generating jobs and stimulating related industries in Kafue and surrounding areas,” he added.

Wendit Group aims to set a benchmark for future renewable energy projects in Zambia and beyond with this initiative. “This project shows what we can achieve when the private sector and government work together,” Horlacher said. We hope this plant will inspire more investments in renewable energy across Southern Africa.”

The solar plant will address Zambia’s increasing energy demands, especially in the rapidly growing Kafue region. With a 50MW capacity, the plant will help alleviate pressure on the national grid, providing a more reliable power supply for residential and commercial consumers.

Construction will begin soon, and completion is expected within the next few years. Once operational, the plant will integrate into Zambia’s national energy grid, ensuring a more stable and reliable power supply. This project forms part of the Ministry of Energy’s broader initiative to increase the share of renewable energy in Zambia’s energy mix, which is currently dominated by hydropower.

The project also promises substantial environmental benefits. The solar plant will significantly lower greenhouse gas emissions by reducing reliance on fossil fuels, supporting Zambia’s commitments under international climate agreements. This development aligns with global trends towards sustainable energy and strengthens Zambia’s position as a regional leader in renewable energy.

The solar plant will bring tangible benefits to local communities in Kafue. The project will generate jobs and create long-term operational roles during construction, boosting the local economy. Additionally, increased economic activity may improve infrastructure and services in the area, enhancing residents’ quality of life.

Horlacher expressed confidence in the project’s success, highlighting the partnership between Wendit Group and the Ministry of Energy. He emphasised the need for ongoing collaboration between the private sector and the government to advance Zambia’s renewable energy agenda. “Our partnership with the Ministry of Energy demonstrates the power of working together. We remain committed to making this project a success and contributing to a sustainable energy future for Zambia,” he said.

The Ministry of Energy’s collaboration with Wendit Group marks a significant achievement for Zambia’s energy sector. This project addresses immediate energy needs and lays the groundwork for future renewable energy developments.

In summary, the 50MW solar plant in Kafue represents a transformative development in Zambia’s energy landscape. The project reflects a shared vision between the Ministry of Energy and Wendit Group for a greener, more sustainable future. As construction progresses, this initiative is expected to pave the way for further renewable energy projects, solidifying Zambia’s role as a leader in the transition to clean energy in Southern Africa.

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