SEforAll, Africa50 to Drive Energy Transition Initiative

  • Sustainable Energy For All (SEforAll) has significantly contributed to advocating for seamless energy transition.
  • SEforALL is one of three implementing partners in this effort, dubbed Mission 300, that will deploy targeted investments and scalable energy solutions where they are most needed.

Sustainable Energy For All (SEforAll) has significantly contributed to advocating for seamless energy transition. Together with partners Africa50 and Enel Corporation, it hosted an event tagged ‘Raising Ambition on SDG7’ on the sidelines of the 79th UN General Assembly in New York.

The event focused on global support for an energy transition that ends energy poverty, combats climate change, and powers livelihoods. It showcased proven solutions to deliver progress on a just and equitable energy transition.

It also highlighted two important global initiatives focused on mobilising finance and distributed renewable energy solutions as key levers to ending energy poverty and ensuring emerging and developing countries are equipped to transition their energy systems in a just and equitable manner.

Simultaneously, the strategic role of Energy Compacts in advancing global energy transitions, particularly the Brazilian Government’s efforts to establish voluntary principles for a just and equitable energy transition, encouraging governments and non-state actors to turn these principles into tangible action, was highlighted.

The principles will be captured in the G20 Just Energy Transition Compact, led by Brazil and the G20 with the support of SEforAll. This compact marks a critical step toward a sustainable, inclusive energy transition. 

To close energy access gaps in underserved regions, the World Bank Group and African Development Bank’s bold partnership to bring electricity to 300 million people in Africa by 2030 was highlighted. 

SEforAll is one of three implementing partners in this effort, dubbed Mission 300 (M300). This effort will deploy targeted investments and scalable energy solutions where they are most needed. The event also examined solutions to bridge energy access gaps beyond traditional power grids.

Practical ways to scale up distributed renewable energy (DRE) systems through innovative public-private collaborations and financial frameworks that help bring private capital from various pools of investors and financiers.

The focus will remain on Africa next week as SEforAll co-hosts the G20-Africa Ministerial on October 3 aimed at fostering stronger ties between the G20 and Africa, with a shared goal of securing financing to support a just and equitable energy transition across the African continent.

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