Winifred Owunna’s Book; “Empowering Nigeria’s Energy Revolution” Addresses Nigeria’s Energy Access Problems

  • Winifred Owunna, author of Empowering Nigeria’s Energy Revolution, is a rising star in the energy sector. She is contributing her quota to its growth and rise.
  • She noted that the inspiration for writing this book stems from a profound personal experience highlighting Nigeria’s urgent need to address energy poverty.

Winifred Owunna, author of Empowering Nigeria’s Energy Revolution, is a rising star in the energy sector. She is contributing her quota to its growth and rise in Nigeria and the world.

In a recent interview with the Electricity Hub, she said that this book is her first attempt while working with other authors who have proposed co-authoring their projects with her. As an energy consultant in Matrica, London, Owunna stated that her experiences in the UK and Nigerian energy sectors enabled her to highlight key challenges and recommend areas where Nigeria can improve its energy access approach.

While addressing the difference between both energy markets, Owunna stated, “In the UK, the energy sector benefits from a stable regulatory framework that supports innovation and the transition to renewable energy. Meanwhile, Nigeria’s energy sector faces more complex challenges. We rely heavily on fossil fuels, and the regulatory environment, though improving, is inconsistent. This makes it difficult to attract investments or adopt advanced technologies that are essential for modernising the power grid.”

She said that while writing the book Empowering Nigeria’s Energy Revolution, she explored how other countries operate their energy systems. She maintained that it was sobering to realise the countless options available to Nigeria that the country has not fully utilised over the decades.

“It made me reflect on the challenges we have faced and the missed opportunities that have kept us in this cycle.” She said the book is a comprehensive exploration of the critical energy transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy in Nigeria. According to her, as Nigeria faces mounting energy challenges, this transition is not just an option but a necessity for sustainable development.

She noted that the inspiration for writing this book stems from a profound personal experience highlighting the urgent need to address energy poverty in Nigeria.

“I always knew that energy poverty was a problem in Nigeria, but I didn’t feel I could do much about it. That changed when I experienced a personal tragedy. I lost a dear one due to power inefficiencies in a Nigerian hospital. It was heartbreaking and revealed the devastating consequences of unreliable energy access,” she revealed.

“Out of this grief, I felt compelled to think deeply about what could be done collectively to improve the situation. I began to notice how energy poverty limited development across various sectors in Nigeria, which prompted me to take a bold step towards furthering my education in Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technologies in England. I wanted to learn how other countries achieve almost zero blackouts and what practices contribute to a more stable energy sector,” she added.

The book, Empowering Nigeria’s Energy Revolution” will bridge the gap by providing valuable information for everyone passionate about solving energy poverty. It offers a detailed look into Nigeria’s power sector, examining the challenges, history, limitations, progress made, and areas to explore further.

One thought on “Winifred Owunna’s Book; “Empowering Nigeria’s Energy Revolution” Addresses Nigeria’s Energy Access Problems

  1. I am especially impressed by this, and Nigeria urgently needs a mindset shift toward improving electricity. I’m eager to read this book and discuss it on the radio as well.

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