JIRAMA Signs PPA with Volobe Hydroelectric Power Station

In Madagascar, the Compagnie générale d’hydroélectricité de Volobe (CGHV) has signed a power purchase agreement (PPA)…

BURUNDI: Mpanda Hydroelectric Power Station Tender Invitation

Two lots make up the Hydroneo East Africa tender. The design and construction of the 10…

MALI: Gouina Hydroelectric Power Station Becomes Operational

Officials from member countries of the Senegal River Basin Development Authority (OMVS) have inaugurated the 140…

USA: Hydro-Québec Acquires 13 Hydroelectric Power Stations

Hydro-Québec acquires 13 hydroelectric power stations in the U.S. The acquisition cost is around $2 billion.…

Hydroelectric Power Station Commences Partial Operation in Cameroon

Mekin hydroelectric power station restarts partially. The plant is injecting 11.2MW into Cameroon’s national electricity network.…

ZAMBIA: President Lungu Commissions Unit 1 of Kafue Hydroelectric Power Station

President Lungu commissions Unit 1 of Kafue Hydroelectric station The Chinese funded project will add 150MW…

Tanzania Shuts Down Hydroelectric Stations Over Excess Power Generation

Tanzania Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa today said that the Tanzanian government has shut down five hydroelectric…

Plastic Waste Halves Ruzizi Hydropower Output, Deepens Regional Outages

Plastic waste clogging the turbines of the Ruzizi Hydroelectric Power Station has slashed electricity production, leading…

Uganda Powers Up with $1.7B Karuma Hydropower Plant, Strengthens Regional Energy Role.

Uganda has opened the 600 MW Karuma Hydropower Plant, advancing its energy strategy. China Exim Bank…

$1 Billion Hydropower Gamble in India Sparks China Tensions

India has announced a $1 billion investment to build 12 hydroelectric power stations in Arunachal Pradesh.…