Australia’s CWP to Convert 10 GW of Clean Electricity into Hydrogen

The Australian energy company CWP Global has signed an agreement with the Djibouti authorities for a…

Endesa to Supply Spanish Hotel Chain with Clean Electricity

A 10-year contract for the supply of 100% RE power to hotel chain Hoteles Santos  signed…

Colombia Reaches Another High in Clean Electricity Generation

86.51% of electricity was generated from clean and renewable sources in May. According to the national…

Embraer Signs Mega Clean Electricity Deal for its Brazil Operations

Advances towards 100% green power in Brazil Embraer SA, an aerospace company, based in Brazil, has…

Suzuki to Purchase Clean Electricity from Indian Power Plant

Engages PPA with a 17.6MW hybrid facility. Plans carbon-neutral production for 2050. Suzuki Motor Corp, the…

Clean Energy Sources Generates 92.3% of Electricity in Kenya – EPRA

Kenya’s electricity access is now at 76.49%, with 8.2 million connected consumers. Thermal sources will generate…

Costa Rica Turns to Agricultural Residues for Clean Energy

With the support of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) and other organisations, the…

Minister Urges Nigerians to Go Green, Stay Clean

Dr Iziaq Salako, Minister of State for Environment, urged Nigerians to adopt greener and cleaner habits…

OPG Launches CAD 1B Bond Sale for Clean Energy Projects

Ontario Power Generation (OPG) has launched a significant bond sale to raise CAD 1 billion (approximately…

IEA: Africa Needs $22 Billion Annually for Universal Electricity by 2030

In its June 2024 report on clean energy investment for development in Africa, the International Energy…