EU Calls for Fossil Fuel Contribution to Climate Finance

A European Union (EU) draft calls for fossil fuel firms to aid climate change efforts in…

Ethiopia Bans Gasoline-Powered Vehicles for EVs

The Ethiopian government has said it has issued a sweeping ban on importing privately-owned gasoline-powered vehicles,…

An Incentive To Get It Right!

A carbon market is a structure organised for trading carbon credits. It aims to reduce global…

Energy Efficiency and The Benefits it Offers to Nigerians

Energy has been essential in human development and economic growth, especially in its electricity form. As…

Germans Protest Increasing Energy Prices

Protesters demand lower inflation, switching off nuclear power and more energy subsidies for the poor. German’s…

Putting EVs on Nigerian Roads

The transportation sector remains one of the largest emitters of carbon globally. Emissions from transport vehicles…

Why Nigeria Should Redirect Oil Subsidy Savings into Developing the Renewable Energy Sector

By Daniel Agbor The recent economic fallout due to the coronavirus pandemic has necessitated the hike…