Cameroon’s Lagdo Dam Release Sparks Flood Concerns in Nigeria

Nigeria raised concerns over Cameroon’s controlled water release from the Lagdo Dam, though hydrological authorities from…

What is the Cost of Setting Up Small Hydropower Projects in States?

The 2023 Electricity Act has enabled states to establish small hydropower plants to increase electricity generation.…

Montenegro Earns EUR 46.4 million from Electricity Exports

Milutin Đukanović, President of the Board of Directors of Elektroprivreda Crne Gore (EPCG), a State-owned power…

Nigeria Battles Flood as Cameroon Opens Dam

Nigeria is experiencing severe floods due to heavy rainfall in the country The director of NEMA…

ZIMBABWE: ZRA to Maintain Water Allocation for Electricity Generation

  ZRA to maintain water allocation for electricity generation Allocates 42bcm to Zimbabwe and Zambia The…

NIGERIA: Use Flood Waters to Generate Electricity – Minister

Minister urges the use of floodwaters for electricity generation Seeks inter-ministerial collaboration Floods remain a significant…


Mali Overview Mali’s electricity production is dominated by hydraulic (55 per cent) and diesel (45 per…