Solar Energy Surge: Nigeria’s Path to Sustainable Power

Nigeria’s energy sector has faced significant challenges, leaving millions of citizens without reliable electricity access. The…

Pakistan Renegotiates Power Contracts to Curb Soaring Tariffs

Pakistan is renegotiating contracts with independent power producers (IPPs) to address unaffordable electricity tariffs. Soaring energy…

India’s SJVN 1,200 MW Solar Auction Sees Record-Breaking Tariffs

An Indian hydroelectric power generation company, Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam (SJVN) has wrapped up the auction…

States to End Electricity Subsidies, Set Own Tariffs

According to a new document from the Nigeria Governors’ Forum (NGF), state governments across Nigeria plan…

GHANA: AGI Urges Ghanaian Government to Address High Electricity Tariffs

AGI urges a review of high electricity tariffs Says the tariffs hinders competition in the sub-region…

ZIMBABWE: Tariffs Will Continue to be Reviewed in Line With Inflation – Minister

Tariffs will continue to rise in line with inflation ZETDC last month raised tariffs by 30%…

ZIMBABWE: ZESA Tariffs to go Up by 25%

Zimbabwe state utility to review tariff upwards ZETDC cannot meet debt obligations Tariff review necessary to…

Nigerian Telecom Operators Pause Tariff Hike Amid Misunderstandings

Telecom operators in Nigeria have put a hold on their bid to increase end-user tariffs for…

Federal Government to Cover KEDCO’s Tariff Shortfall

To address the financial strain of the Kano Electricity Distribution Company (KEDCO), the Federal Government of…

MIGA and ISA Solar Facility Launched to Transform Solar Energy in Africa

The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) and the International Solar Alliance (ISA) have unveiled a transformative…