A Call for Tenders for the Construction (EPC) of four solar power plants in Cape Verde

  • The government of Cape Verde is launching a call for expressions of interest for the construction of solar photovoltaic power plants on four islands of the archipelago.
  • Interested companies have until 30 March 2023 to apply.

Throughout the coming years, Cape Verde’s ability to produce solar energy is anticipated to rise. The Special Projects Management Unit (UGPE) of the government of Cape Verde recently announced a tender for the development of solar photovoltaic power plants on four islands. The tender is for the building of a 1.3 MWp solar park on the island of Fogo, which is located in the southern part of the archipelago.

On Santo Anto (1.2 MWp), So Nicolau (0.4 MWp), and the island of Maio, further solar power plants will be constructed (0.4 MWp). The deadline for applications for companies interested in the UGPE tender is March 30, 2023.

The chosen businesses are anticipated to begin work in August 2023 following the signing of the engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) contracts in order to have the solar power plants operational in 2025.

A training program for UGPE employees will also be established by the chosen companies. The daily management and maintenance of the solar power plants will be covered in this program. The given training will be organized to give local workers the relevant aThe Renewable Energy and Improved Utilities Performance Project (REIUP) will oversee the construction of the solar power facilities. The International Development Association (IDA) and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (Bird), two divisions of the World Bank Group, are co-financing this effort of the government of Cape Verde to the tune of USD 7 million. The Global Infrastructure Facility (GIF), a funding mechanism supported by Australia, Canada, China, Denmark, Germany, Japan, Singapore, and the World Bank, is also a co-financier of REIUP with a contribution of $7.5 million.bilities and information.

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