A Spanner in the Works? – COP26 and Curbing Climate Change

This piece from the Economist highlights the mixed feelings following the conclusion of proceedings at COP26. There was a sense of failure as many believed that the agreement would fail to limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels despite the promises of the 2015 Paris Agreement. However, there is renewed hope as COP26 is set to usher in a series of new procedures that will keep the possibility of reaching the goal alive, only if countries can embrace drastic measures.

Among the wins, several countries joined “coalitions of the willing” calling to eliminate coal power, reduce methane emissions, and increase financing for green projects. While the agreement ended with the unanimous call for a faster phasing down of coal and the scrapping of subsidies for fossil fuels, serve to renew hope in our collective strive for 1.5°C

Read the article on The Economist

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