A Win for the Nigerian Electricity Consumer!!!


Nigerian electricity consumers have, for a long time, been victims of the illegal disconnection of electricity supply by the staff of several Distribution Companies (DisCos). Despite the Nigeria Electricity Regulatory Commission’s (NERC) Connection and Disconnection Procedures for Electricity Services (CDFES), electricity consumers have time and time again fallen victim to the overzealous staff of DisCos.

The CDFES regulation clearly states the procedures for disconnecting electricity customers. According to the provisions of the CDFES, customers can be disconnected with notice or without notice when the DisCo has met certain conditions or when the customer’s connection poses a safety risk to the DisCos network or the quality of supply to other customers. In the case of outstanding electricity bills, a DisCo can only disconnect a customer when the payment date and disconnection date is more than three months.

The recent ruling of a Kogi state Magistrate Court on the illegal disconnection of an Abuja Electricity Distribution Company (AEDC) customer by an AEDC staff is a welcome development for electricity consumers in the country. The ruling highlights the importance of strict adherence to the regulations approved by the electricity sector regulator, NERC as well as the protection of consumers rights in the Nigerian electricity sector. In this case, Plaintiff, Mr Dennis Osanwuta, took the AEDC to court on the grounds of illegal disconnection after AEDC staff, Mr James Olayemi, illegally disconnected his supply without notice and without any outstanding electricity bills contrary to Regulations 5 and 11 of the Nigeria Electricity Regulatory Commission (Connection And Disconnection Procedures for Electricity Services.

”In view of evidence before me, the complainant has not been given such opportunity; therefore, the first defendant is guilty as charged. I hereby sentence him to six months imprisonment with an option of N50,000 as fine,” Magistrate Tanko Muhammed ruled.

As an electricity consumer, I have been privy to complaints of illegal disconnections. It is therefore pertinent that consumers are well informed on the procedures for disconnection by a DisCo. Furthermore, consumers must understand that it is illegal for any DisCo staff to, disconnect electricity supply to any premises on the grounds of ‘outstanding bills’ without prior notice of at least ten days.

Consumers can read the Connection and Disconnection Procedures for Electricity Services (CDFES) here.

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