Action and Consequence; The Effects of Poor Behaviors

Every action takes a consequence; sometimes, it is best to consider the consequence before taking any action. Especially if it affects more persons in the long run. A habitual illustration is the poor control and maintenance issue a lot of persons and organisations are saddled with.

Some days back, social media was rife when a young lady attested to having caught all the strains of the Covid-19 virus. It was a rather shocking tale because while it is possible to become affected by Covid-19 and the many strains of the virus, it is not expected that one person should be affected by all if the right control and preventive measures are taken into consideration.

Although the vaccines of the Covid-19 virus have been made available, individuals are still obliged to maintain preventive measures. Unfortunately, however, it is seen that rather than be cautious, people have let themselves loose, thereby contracting the various strains and spreading the virus to other persons.

Analysing the outcome of the young lady not being cautious and following control and preventive measures, it is no wonder she contracted all five strains. This similar behaviour could be attributed to other aspects of life. When the right measures are not acted upon at the right time, other unimaginable events are set to occur.

A typical example is the poor maintenance issue in the power sector. It was a huge blow in the first quarter of 2021 when 18 power plants became non-operational. The most significant reason behind the failure of the plants to generate power was the poor maintenance condition of the utility to maintain its plants. Also, there are poor maintenance, control, and preventive measures in the transmission and distribution sector to ensure adequate transmission and distribution of power.

The need to take necessary caution in every aspect of living cannot be overemphasised as the ripple effects of the opposite actions are not pleasant.

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