ADF: New Funding Window to Support Climate Action in Africa

Supporting the 16th replenishment of the African Development Fund in December 2022 in Tangier, Morocco, the African Development Bank and its development partners have established a Climate Action Window for low-income nations. The ADF’s 37 members, many of which are among the world’s most fragile and susceptible to climate change, are covered by the window.

Over its funding cycle from 2023 to 2025, the Climate Action Window will offer $8.9 billion in total, including $429 million as startup money. The window is divided into three sections that each address one of six sectors: adaptation (75% of resources), mitigation (15%), and technical support (10%).

With the help of the window, some 20 million farmers in 30 ADF-eligible countries will have access to climate-resilient agricultural technologies. Additionally, weather-indexed crop insurance will be made available, one million hectares of degraded land will be restored, 18 million more people will have access to sustainable and resilient water, sanitation, and health services, and an estimated 9.5 million more people will receive renewable energy.

The technical assistance portion of the window will assist recipient nations of the African Development Fund in customizing their national climate policies and plans, creating an environment that is conducive to climate investment, and building projects that are viable and investment-ready. The Africa Adaptation Acceleration Program, which was launched in 2021 in collaboration with the Global Center on Adaptation, is one of the bank’s ongoing programs that is being expanded by the Climate Action Window. The program’s target is to mobilize $25 billion by 2025, with the Bank contributing $12.5 billion.

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