AFC, SkyPower Team Up for DRC’s Green Giant Solar Project

  • AFC and SkyPower join forces for a 1,000 MW Green Giant solar project in DRC.
  • The partnership marks crucial progress for the initiative announced in September 2020.

Africa Finance Corporation (AFC) and Canadian company SkyPower are teaming up for the 1,000 MW Green Giant solar project in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). This partnership marks a crucial step forward for the initiative. Green Giant was announced in September 2020 with a PPA signed with SNEL.

Progress has been slow until now. SkyPower and AFC will focus on developing the first phase, targeting 200 MW. Amadou Wadda, Senior Director at AFC, highlights broader goals. Success would mark SkyPower’s first project in Africa.

The coming months will reveal the project’s progress. AFC is committed to renewable energy investments across Africa. Their involvement in projects like Cabeolica and the Ghoubet wind farm showcases their dedication.

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