AFD’s Subsidiary Provides €1m for Off-Grid Electrification in the D.R.C.

  • Nuru has received €1 million from Proparco, a subsidiary of the French Development Agency (AFD) group.
  • Nuru aims to provide electricity to about 5 million people in the D.R.C. by 2024
  • Proparco reckons that the investment will see Nuru provide electricity to 330 000 people.

Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) based hybrid solar off-grid developer Nuru has received €1 million from Proparco, a subsidiary of the French Development Agency (AFD) group. This financing will enable the clean energy provider to deploy off-grid solutions across several provinces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Nuru aims to provide electricity to about 5 million people in the provinces of North Kivu, Maniema, Ituri, Haute Uélé and Kasaï by 2024. The company recently completed the installation of a 1.33 MW hybrid solar power plant. The facility located in the city of Goma is connected to the national grid.

Read also: AFD, EU Partner to Provide Green Financing in Côte d’Ivoire.

Proparco has stated that it believes its investment will enable Nuru to scale its operations and enable DRC’s energy transition and the UN’s SE4ALL (Sustainable Energy for All) initiative. “This operation also demonstrates the priority given by Proparco to supporting the private sector in fragile countries, thanks in particular to the support of the French government. The development of mini-grids is a very important issue for international donors and is, therefore, one of the areas in which they are working together more closely in fragile countries,” stated Proparco.

Proparco reckons that the investment will see Nuru provide electricity to 330 000 people. It also believes the company’s off-grid systems would prevent the emission of 500 000 tons of CO2 over the next 20 years.

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