Africa Can Be Renewable Energy Superpower -Al Gore

  • Africa has a lot of potential for renewable energy.
  • Strategic plans need to be in place to avoid dangerous challenges.

According to former US Vice President Albert Al Gore, Africa has the potential to be a significant player in the renewable energy sector. Al Gore stated that Africa is home to 40% of the world’s renewable energy resources while speaking at the UN climate change conference COP27, which Egypt is hosting in the Red Sea city of Sharm El-Sheikh. ” Africa can be a renewable energy superpower,” he said.

The former vice president cautioned that if nations continued to expand fossil fuel resources, including a “rush for gas” in Africa that would give energy to wealthier countries, it would not be enough to boost sustainable energy.

“We need to obey the first rule of holes: stop digging when you’re in one. We have to stop making this crisis worse,” Al Gore added.

He also warned about hazards that could create as many as a billion climate migrants crossing international borders, saying a surge of refugees would “end the possibilities of self-governance.”


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