Air New Zealand Eyes Malaysian Sustainable Aviation Fuel

  • Air New Zealand seeks Malaysian sustainable aviation fuel.
  • Malaysia’s diverse resources position it as a critical partner.

Kiri Hannifin, Chief Sustainability Officer of Air New Zealand, emphasises the strategic position of Malaysian sustainable aviation fuel in the Asia Pacific landscape. With its diverse range of feedstock and biomass resources, Malaysia emerges as a promising partner in the aviation industry’s pursuit of decarbonisation.

Hannifin underscores Air New Zealand’s readiness to collaborate with SAF innovators and producers in Malaysia. The airline actively invites partnerships with startups and innovators. Which will foster a dynamic ecosystem for SAF production.

This initiative aligns with Malaysia’s ambitious National Energy Transition Roadmap, which aims to implement a 47% SAF blending mandate by 2050. Air New Zealand’s proactive approach complements this vision, signalling a shared commitment to sustainability.

The release of Air New Zealand’s “Opportunity Statement” marks a significant milestone in the airline’s sustainability journey. This document outlines the airline’s SAF requirements based on its operational needs, sustainability targets, and fleet specifications.

Air New Zealand aims to catalyse collaboration and innovation in the SAF sector. By providing a clear framework for potential partners. Air New Zealand anticipates SAF to comprise 20% of its total fuel uplift by 2030.

This ambitious target reflects the airline’s dedication to achieving science-based sustainability goals and reducing its carbon footprint. As Air New Zealand expands its network of SAF suppliers, Malaysia emerges as a critical player in the global transition towards sustainable aviation.

The aviation industry can pave the way for a more sustainable future through collaborative efforts and innovation.

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