Al-Tur’s 1.5 million Feddans Project to Get Electricity by October

  • The Egyptian Countryside Development Company, which is handling the project, announced the launch of the electricity network.
  • The Egyptian Countryside Development Company is set to provide electricity to the 1.5 million Feddans reclamation project in Al-Tur by the end of October.

The national initiative aimed at reclaiming, cultivating, and enhancing 1.5 million feddan of land in the Al-Tur area is scheduled to have electricity supplied to its premises by the end of October. The Egyptian Countryside Development Company, responsible for managing this project, has announced the launch of an electricity network across the newly established Egyptian countryside region.

This electricity network will initially cover the administrative zone and the surrounding areas, encompassing approximately 24,000 feddans within the Al-Tur project area. There are plans to gradually expand this network to cover all the lands within the project area. Amr Abdel Wahab, the Chairperson and Managing Director of the Egyptian Countryside Development Company, has directed efforts to accelerate the establishment of the electricity infrastructure in Al-Tur. This involves activities such as laying concrete foundations, setting up utility poles, and installing wiring.

Wahab also mentioned that the site has been equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and skilled personnel to expedite the implementation and installation of lighting systems. He emphasized that the electricity network is crucial in achieving the project’s objectives and improving the quality of life for the newly developed Egyptian countryside residents.

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