All On Announces Call for Applications for DART Programme

The application window is now open for the DART Nigeria solar equipment financing program. Shell-backed All On, Odyssey Energy Solutions and the Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet (GEAPP) launched the Demand Aggregation for Renewable Technology (DART) programme last month. The global aggregated procurement program for clean energy companies is backed by a $10 million Financing Facility equally seeded by  All On and GEAPP.

The DART program aims to accelerate the growth of the renewable energy sector in Nigeria and beyond by combining demand pooling and aggregated purchasing of solar equipment, access to affordable finance, and coordinated logistics processes to unlock economies of scale for solar companies and achieve cost savings for end-users.

The programme is open to companies that have;

  • Achieved minimum revenue threshold of $0.5million in historical cumulative revenue over the previous five years.
  • Demonstrate facilitation of a minimum of 500 historical connections or cumulative deployed capacity of 500kw over the last five years.
  • Achieved NEP pre-qualification and have an approved mini-grid under the program AND/OR is an eligible Commercial and Industrial project developer that can provide evidence of credible, sustainable power purchase offtake contracts.

Interested applicants can apply here

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