All On Signs Carbon Credits Deal with Solstroem

  • All On, Solstroem to finance platform for Carbon Credits.
  • The firm is creating an opportunity for solar off-grid operators to issue and sell carbon credits.

All On has announced an investment with the Danish Technology Company Solstroem to finance a technology platform for Carbon Credits. The deal supports the development and scaling of the company’s software platform enabling solar home system distributors and other solar off-grid operators across Sub-Saharan Africa to issue and sell carbon credits on the international Voluntary Carbon Market.

According to a comment by All On, this investment is an opportunity for the firm to strengthen access to climate finance for their existing portfolio companies and other established and emerging players in the solar off-grid space in Nigeria and beyond.

By this move, All On matches a previous investment made by Persistent Energy Capital LLC into the company in November 2021.

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