Amear Power Completes Blitta Solar Power Plant

  • Blitta solar photovoltaic plant built by Amea Togo Solar have been completed.
  • The plant will supply energy to 600,000 households and 700 SMEs.

The Blitta solar photovoltaic plant built by Amea Togo Solar have been completed. The plant will boost the total installed capacity by 50MW to 265MW, according to the AT2ER. The plant will supply energy to 600,000 households and 700 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Read also: Togo Lists 129 Locations for Mini-Grid Deployment

Togo plans to achieve universal electricity access by 2030 and increase the share of renewables in the energy mix to 50%.

The first phase of the power plant was completed in June 2020. The completion of this second phase brings the capacity of the installation to 50 MWp. The plant will be connected to the power grid. Amea Togo Solar will operate the park for 25 years.

The West African Development Bank (BOAD) provided a €10.7 million loan, while the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development (ADFD) provided €13.6 million.

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