AMP Launched to Set Mini-Grids Energy Access Trajectory

  • AMP to transform energy markets and bring electricity to 21 African countries.
  • The AMP will need about $65 billion in new investments.

The Africa Minigrid Program (AMP) is set to transform energy markets and bring electricity and new development opportunities to 21 African countries.

The AMP is a country-led technical assistance programme that supports countries to rapidly and cost-effectively provide electricity and new development opportunities to some of Africa’s poorest communities. The programme was launched at Egypt’s 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27).  

With funding led by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), and implemented by UNDP in partnership with national governments, RMI and the African Development Bank (AfDB), the AMP’s market transformation approach aims to help countries crowd in private investment to scale up and accelerate the deployment of renewable energy mini-grids.

The AMP will need about $65 billion in new investments, primarily from the private sector, to realise the mini-grid opportunity in such countries. This is estimated to be the construction of 110,000 mini-grids, bringing electricity to more than 200,000 schools and clinics and more than 900,000 businesses.

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