Angolan Solar Power Station goes into Operation in Namibe

  • The Caraculo Solar Power Station was inaugurated on Tuesday, May 30, 2023, and will produce clean energy for domestic and industrial use in Namibe, Angola.
  • During its operating period, this plant is expected to reduce CO2 emissions by around 50 thousand tons and produce clean energy for at least 25 years.

The Caraculo Solar Power Station was inaugurated on Tuesday, May 30, 2023, and will produce clean energy for domestic and industrial use in Namibe, Angola. This is the first photovoltaic plant in Angola, located in the municipality of Bibala, 60 kilometres from the provincial capital, Moçâmedes, in a desert area and includes 46,000 solar panels, an operations building and other support structures, to produce a first phase of 25 megawatts of energy.

The entry into operation of the Caraculo Solar Power Plant was witnessed by the ministers of Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas, Diamantino Azevedo, of Energy and Water, João Baptista Borges, by the Provincial Governor, Archer Mangueira. It will guarantee the energy needs of the province of Namibe, with a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. It will also contribute to reducing the consumption of diesel used to produce electricity in thermal power stations, thus diversifying the energy matrix in Angola. During its operating period, this plant is expected to reduce CO2 emissions by around 50 thousand tons and produce clean energy for at least 25 years. And with less need to resort to diesel, it is estimated that the Angolan State could save around 28 million dollars a year in this first phase alone.

The energy produced at Caraculo will be injected into the southern distribution network, specifically into the transmission line that passes a few meters from the location of this unit. It will all be purchased and delivered to the National Energy Transport Network. The Caraculo Solar Power Plant project foresees a second phase with an increase in production capacity to 50 megawatts, making clean energy available to some regions of Huíla province. The renewable energy potential in Angola will be one of the main topics to be revealed and debated at the Angola Oil & Gas 2023 Conference and Exhibition, which will take place in September at the Talatona Convention Centre.

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